Donderdag 6 t/m zaterdag 8 juni 19.30 - 22.30 uur / zondag 9 juni 14.00 - 17.00 uur

Performances door Ensemble Modelo62 en Petra Strahovnik in het project 'DisOrders'

Through the Looking Glass 2019

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Ensemble Modelo62 presents Part 1 of DisOrders: 'Through the Looking Glass', by Petra Strahovnik.

Gedurende vier opeenvolgende dagen in vijf galeries in Den Haag, waaronder de Haagse Kunstkring. Zondag 9 juni is er om 13.00 uur een 'pre-presentation talk' met psycholoog Christian Bouwkamp en Petra Strahovnik, in The Grey Space in the Middle.

Ensemble Modelo62 presenteert gelijktijdig vijf stukken voor solo/duo performers waarin muziek wordt gecombineerd met performance art. Centraal thema is: mentale gezondheid.

Hoe gaan we om met psychische klachten? Zijn we in staat om mensen te ondersteunen die mentaal kwetsbaar zijn? Hoe kunnen we beter contact maken met elkaar en met de emoties rond een mentale aandoening? Hoe creëren we een maatschappij die inclusief is zonder buitensluiting van wat 'niet in orde' is?

Petra Strahovnik onderzoekt deze vragen in vijf verschillende live installaties. De installaties verbeelden de innerlijke worsteling van mensen met respectievelijk ADHD, autismespectrumstoornis, angststoornis, bipolaire stoornis en depressie. Door het gebruik van muziek, geluid, performance art, video en elektronica brengt ze jou oog in oog met de innerlijke wereld van een persoon wiens aandoening hem of haar anders maakt dan de rest van de wereld. Ze stelt hiermee de vraag 'Kunnen we compassie voelen met zo iemand en ons idee over wat 'in orde' is verbreden?'

'Trough the looking glass' is onderdeel van DisOrders, een samenwerking tussen Ensemble Modelo62 en Petra. In september 2019 krijgt DisOrders een vervolg in 'A fractured mind', 3 werken voor solist en ensemble. In 2020 sluit DisOrders af met de opera 'BalerinaBalerina', over een autistisch meisje.

English version:
How do we deal with mental health nowadays, specifically, with the so-called mental disorders conditions? Are we prepared to welcome them and fully support people affected by one, as well as their families and friends? How do we deal with the emotions involved in a mental condition, and how can we better make contact with these emotions in order to connect better with each other and create a society that does not exclude what is not 'in order'?

With five different pieces, Petra Strahovnik goes to the core of the matter and brings out the struggle that lies in individuals afflicted with a mental condition in five different installations: ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Anxiety Disorder, Bipolar Disorder, and Depression. With the use of music, sound, performance art, video, and electronics, she places the audience face to face with the inner world of a human being whose condition has put him in a 'different' lane than the rest of the world. And the question is raised: Can we go beyond rejection and find compassion in order to expand our concept as a society of what is 'in order'?

This set of five pieces is part of DisOrders, a two-year collaboration project between Ensemble Modelo62 and Petra, supported by Fonds Podiumkunsten, Gemeente Den Haag and Dioraphte. It will culminate in 2020 with the production of the opera 'Balerina, Balerina' (working title), whose libretto is based on the book with the same name, written by the Slovenian Marco Sosič. Read more about DisOrders here (

'Through the Looking Glass' is presented simultaneously in Galerie Helder, The Grey Space in the Middle, Haagse Kunstring, Parts Project and Trixie

The five pieces:
#1 LOST in TIME - Anxiety DisOrder. For Jan Willem Troost and Cello. With sound installation .@ The Grey Space in the Middle.
#2 DROWNED in TIME - Attention deficit hyperactivity DisOrder. For Klára van de Ketterij and Percussion. With electronics. @ Trixie.
#3 AMAZED by TIME, FROZEN in TIME - Autism Spectrum DisOrder. For Justin Christensen and Trumpet. With video projection @ Galerie Helder.
#4 TWIST IN TIME, DUALITY of PERCEPTION - Bipolar DisOrder. For Enric Sans i Morera and Clarinet. For Jorge López García and Clarinet.@ Parts Project.
#5 FORGOTTEN IN TIME - Depression For Santiago Lascurain and Guitar. With video projection.@ Haagse Kunstkring.

Ensemble Modelo62:
Enric Sans i Morera
Jorge López García
Jan Willem Troost
Justin Christensen
Klara van de Ketterij
Santiago Lascurain

Artistic direction: Ezequiel Menalled
Composer and general concept: Petra Strahovnik
Video realization: Gregor Gobec
Performance art coach: Larysa Bauge
Production: Vasilis Stefanopoulos
Technical realization: Dario Giustarini